Questions from stallholders
Do the indoor stalls include a table? No sorry, we don't have any tables available, most sellers will bring a folding paste table, garden table or something similar. Some sellers may just lay down a sheet and place items on the floor.
Can I book an outdoor stall? Unfortunately, we don't take pre-bookings for outdoor stalls due to the possibility of bad weather, as long as the weather is nice on the day we'll have the rear outdoor yard open - just tur up between 7am - 8am for a space.
What time can stallholders arrive? Stallholders can load in from 7am, you may wish to arrive 15 minutes early to get a space by the loading door. Outdoor sellers just follow the signs around to the back yard area.
What can I sell? As long as it's legal, you can sell it. Hot food vendors are not permitted.
What time will the event finish? The car boot sale usually lasts until 12 noon, sometimes 1pm, sellers are asked to stay on site until 12 noon before leaving.
I've booked a stall online but can't attend? We are unable to offer refunds for stall bookings, but we may be able to transfer you to another date. Please call the number 07444 197624 or send us a message on Facebook.
I want to reserve a specific stall, how can I do that? We can only reserve specific stalls for regular sellers, to reserve a specific stall, please call the number 07444 197624 with your name and preferred stall number.
Is there any electric on site? No electric is supplied, outdoor sellers are allowed to bring their own generator if electricity is required.
Can I book multiple indoor stalls and have them together? Yes, just make sure that you book them all under the same name and that they are all the same size stall (for example, 2 large stalls). We are unable to put different size stalls together (eg 1 small and 1 large wouldn't work).
Questions from buyers
What time can I arrive as a buyer? Buyers are welcome from 8am! Please use the main entrance by the front car park.
Is there an admission charge? Yes, there is a charge of 50p per person. People under 16 can enter for free.
Is the car boot sale open in all weather? Yes, we're always open every Sunday no matter the weather since we have a large indoor space as well as plenty of outdoor space on dry days.
Is there car parking nearby? Yes, we have on-site parking for up to 300 vehicles, which is free to use whilst visiting the car boot sale.
Is it disabled friendly? Yes, the site is on ground floor only.
Is there food and drink available on site? Yes, food and drink options are available from our on-site catering services provided by The Little Kitchen.